Gigi by Maité Jansen

What we do

Your partner from the start of your business until it’s transmission (selling or next generation).

Current Business

Bookkeeping – Budget control – Financial analysis – Closing mission of the accounts & annual reports – Partner for the constitution of your company – Financial plan – Reporting – Support & assistance for setting up foreign companies in Belgium.


Tax advise – Registering with BCE (registar of entreprises) and VAT – Drafting and submitting company tax returns – Drafting and submitting income tax returns for individuals – VAT returns – Tax planning – Inheritance tax in Belgium 

The office works with specialized lawyers in VAT, Corporate Tax & Individuals.



Partner in the development of your business – Stock valuation – Company valuation – Partner in purchasing or selling a company holding shares – Due diligence.

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eTax - Accountancy

Avenue d’Allemagne 2, bte 2
1400 Nivelles

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